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Would you like to Become a Selective Mutism Therapist? 

From time to time we look for amazing people to join our team! Please fill out the form below to express interest and be considered when we are looking for therapists. Please note that all therapists joining the team will be trained by Lucy Nathanson in the Confident Children approach.

Our team members:

⭐Must have a passion for helping children with SM.

⭐Must have knowledge of the techniques to help children with SM.

⭐Must have completed (or willing to complete) Maggie Johnson's training.

⭐Must be a compassionate person who 'gets' SM.

⭐Must be a good communicator as you will be speaking to parents and schools.

⭐Must have experience writing reports.

⭐Must have hands on experience working with and supporting children to overcome SM.

⭐Must be child-friendly and able to build rapport with children easily.

⭐Must be very organised.

⭐and crucially...must be an awesome human being!

If you think you would be a good match for our team, please fill out the form below. We are a fun and dedicated team, totally obsessed with Selective Mutism! We would love to know why you would like to work at Confident Children and why you think you would be a good fit for our team. 

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